Patricia tall and petite

patricia has nice nipples and tiny titsThis sexy teen is Patricia. When I saw this pic my cock nearly ripped a hole through my jeans trying to get out! This is one of the hottest tiny tits pictures I have seen in a long time.

Patricia is tall and thin, I am guessing nearly 5 foot 7 or 8, but she is downright petite. Tight ass, long legs, smooth stomache, and well, the most wonderful tiny tits capped with hard nipples that not only wake up, but they actually try to poke their way out of her shirt.

You can see her left nipple poking out, and you know that the shirt has some thickness, so you can get an idea of just how long her nipples are. Can you say “yummy”? I can!

This gallery is all about her lovely tiny tits too, which makes this even better… click here to check out the pics.

You can find Patricia and a bunch more hot models at a great site called 18 Magazine… click here to check it out!

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